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Second heat wave

·1 min

The first heat wave was only a few weeks ago and now the second one of the year is coming right up. If, and it will, the temperature crosses the 25°C (77°F) we have the second heat wave in the Netherlands. Personally I can’t stand temperatures above 30°C (86°F) and won’t do much, but working in an air-conditioned building has its advantages. The only thing is that you have to sleep and sleeping in a room with such temperatures is almost impossible. Luckily the temperature drops at night, but the inside our house not fast enough. But hey, we will survive!

Speaking about surviving, yesterday (18th of July) two people died during the Nijmeegse Vierdaagse by the heat. Several people had to be reanimated and many had gotten ill. The organization decided to cancel the largest marching event in the world.

I’m really looking forward for the remaining hot days! (not!)